“Anthony Vines possesses considerable expertise in acting for both employees and employers. He has dealt with various matters, including unfair dismissal, disability discrimination and restrictive covenants.” (Chambers UK Bar 2024)
Strengths: "Anthony is highly skilled and knowledgeable. Rather than being simply a theoretical expert, he has the additional skill of being commercially minded. When put in front of clients he quickly gains their trust and confidence due to his personable manner and his ability to understand their world." (Chambers UK Bar 2019)
Anthony advises and represents claimants, unions and also employers ranging from central and local government, police forces, companies and trusts on issues arising from the employment relationship.
Advises and represents in range of claims under the Equality Act 2010 (race, gender, sexual orientation, gender reassignment), whistle-blowing and unfair dismissal
Relevant proceedings may be within the jurisdiction of the employment tribunal or the civil courts.
Anthony has been appointed since 2008 to the Welsh Government panel for employment matters which has resulted in him advising and representing the Welsh Ministers.
“Possesses considerable expertise in acting for both employees and employers.” "Extremely bright and quick at getting to the point. He is good at winning clients over." Chambers’ UK Bar Guide (2018)
‘Highly experienced in discrimination claims and unfair dismissals.’ The Legal 500 (2018)
‘His expertise includes TUPE-related issues, unfair dismissal and restrictive covenants.’ The Legal 500 (2015)
"He is very approachable and gives excellent advice." Chambers' UK Bar Guide (2015)
“Has a broad employment practice, and acts for a wide range of clients including trusts and local authorities.” Chambers’ UK Bar Guides (2014)
Anthony Vines is highly regarded for his tribunal and advisory work for union-represented claimants. He also provides mediation services for multiparty disputes.' Chambers UK Bar Guide (2013)
Appeared in Employment Appeal Tribunal in misconduct dismissal claim where there had been breaches of company policy (PW v CMS Ltd)
Represented IPCC in police disciplinary hearing
Advised business as to minimum wage in respect of sleep-in social care staff
Represented HMRC in minimum wage proceedings
Advised business as to the National Minimum Wage and the government scheme of naming and shaming
Acted for client in claim for fees by concerning employment agency
Advised as to the appraisal and pay regime of teachers in Wales
Advised on application of TUPE within tender proposals
Acted for a group of claimants alleging unfair dismissal arising from protected disclosures on issues of health and safety
Advised an employer on proceedings to enforce post-termination provisions
Advised public authorities in connection with application of TUPE and pension liability in connection with joint venture company
Acting for an employer on claims made alleging breaches of the national minimum wage legislation
Acting for an employer successfully defending allegations of a pregnancy-related dismissal
Advised an employee on TUPE-related enhanced redundancy arrangements from the Civil Service Pension Scheme
Advised local authority in health and safety appeal to employment tribunal
Advised central government as to termination package of senior executive
Legal adviser to disciplinary committee